Bamberg County School District would like to introduce Mr. Jordan D. Smith as principal of Bamberg-Ehrhardt High School. Mr. Smith is a native of Hampton, South Carolina, but now resides in Orangeburg with his wife and their two sons.
Jordan Smith attended Hampton School District One through tenth grade and finished his high school studies at the South Carolina Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities. He earned a Bachelor of Music from the University of South Carolina, a Master of Education from Grand Canyon University, and commissioned as an Army officer through Palmetto Military Academy.
He began his professional career in education as the band director for Bamberg-Ehrhardt High School and served for six years. During this time, the band program grew rapidly and earned several state awards. Smith then served four years as the assistant principal at Bamberg-Ehrhardt High School, and one year as the assistant principal at Richard Carroll Elementary School.
Mr. Smith understands the importance and power of the team and believes success in education begins with a strong partnership between home and school.